The objective of this activity is to establishing a map of the arctic data management “ecosystem” or “universe”. This is both a concept map indicating projects, services and relationships as well as a geographic map indicating location (in a future iterations). The effort was started during the first meeting of the ADC in Potsdam, Germany, November 2014 and is an ongoing activity. The roadmap for this project includes establishing a linked open data end point that will allow people to query the database (i.e. using SPARQL).  A prototype database and visualization tool has been developed and is scheduled for released in the last quarter of 2018. If you are interested in review the prototype, please use the contact informatio providee below.

In June of 2016, the concept of mapping the Arctic data ecosystem were presented by task lead, Peter Pulsifer, the second meeting of the Belmont Forum Funded Pan-Arctic Options Project.  Similar concepts were being discussed by the Pan-Arctic Options team and other initiatives under organizations such as the Research Data Alliance have recently emerged.  Starting in early 2017, this activity is now being carried out colloaboration with the Pan-Arctic Options project in collaboration with a number of other polar and global cyberinfrastructure initiatives.  In June of 2018 an agreement in principle was reached to work with our partners at the Southern Ocean Observing System to map the data ecosystem related to their community. Results will be posted here and elsewhere.

The interactive map below is under active development in collaboration with communities of practice and other partners. This version is a preliminary draft. If you would like to contribute to the effort, please contact peter.pulsifer[at]colordo[dot].edu

Task lead: Peter Pulsifer, NSIDC/ELOKA, University of Colorado, USA


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