21st January 20:00-23:00 UTC

During the Third Polar Data Forum (PDF) held in Helsinki in November of 2019, members of the Polar Data Community gathered to share information and knowledge and to make practical progress towards greater data sharing and interoperability. PDF III followed on a series of meetings that have resulted in continuing advancements in the areas of federated search, identification and development of shared vocabularies and formal semantics, data policy, community building and other topics. Since PDF III, the dialogue has continued. In March and early April, the Arctic data community met during the online Arctic Observing Summit (https://aos2020agenda.org/). The Standing Committee on Arctic Data Management (SCADM) and members of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) Program have met regularly. There is broad agreement between these groups and the IASC-SAON Arctic Data Committee (ADC) that meeting more frequently will help us to continue making practical progress on our shared goals.
During these challenging times, meeting in person is not feasible.  However, recent online events have demonstrated that we can successfully collaborate using virtual tools.  
We would like to invite you to join us online on 21st January 20:00-23:00 UTC to continue our efforts to enhance polar data sharing and interoperability.  This is an online workshop in a planned series of bi-monthly online workshops convened by the ADC, SCADM, SOOS, the Arctic Observing Summit Working Group 4, the Global Cryosphere Watch, and the World Data System on behalf of the polar data community.

Due to the constraints of our virtual platform, participation is limited. Registration is required. Connection information for the virtual meeting will be provided to registered participants closer to the event time.  

To register, please complete the form found here

Draft agenda:

1. Welcome to P2G, Housekeeping, and Move into breakout rooms (20:00-20:05)

(More details will be added)

Introductory remarks, overview of recent developments and objectives for the meeting series can be found in the documentation from the first workshop on 30th June 2020. An introduction to the workshop is found as this recording by Peter Pulsifer from the first workshop on 30th June 2020.

2. Working Sessions (20:05-22:30)

a. Breakout Working Group 1: Federated Search. Hosted by POLDER (https://polder.info)
& Breakout Working Group 2: Vocabularies and Semantics. Hosted by the ADC-IARPC-SCADM Vocabularies and Semantics Working Group (https://arcticdc.org/activities/core-projects/vocabularies-and-semantics-wg)

NB: POLDER has a new GitHub Repo so that we can keep track of changes to our template schema.org example and start putting things into a best practice document. Join us!

20:05 - 20:10 Welcome to the POLDER/Semantics WG Session

  • Agenda for today
  • Housekeeping

20:10 - 20:20 Indexing data centres that already support schema.org

At the last meeting, we discussed creating a list of polar URLs already providing schema.org so we can have a look and see how they fit with the guidance we are zeroing in on. Please add your schema-ready data centres to this spreadsheet

20:10 - 21:300 Matrix of Mandatoriness

Pip Bricher 

In December, we outlined a series of use cases to describe the kinds of queries we expect people to make of a federated search tool. A cleaned-up version of that list of use-cases is here. In today’s meeting, we will fill in the matrix of which schema.org attributes will be mandatory to achieve the various kinds of searches. 

21:30-21:40 Tea Break

21:40-23:00 Time, Space, and Citations

Ruth Duerr

We keep promising that we will make some decisions on the following topics. Let’s make today the day!

  • Which temporal information formats will we support?
  • Which spatial information formats will we support?
  • How to define licencing/ownership statement/copyright

Tasks on hold for the next meeting

(A running list of smaller tasks that are on our radar but we couldn’t fit into this month’s workshop. Please feel free to add items. If we rocket through our agenda, we will start tackling this list. )

  • Guidance for robots.txt and sitemap.xml (leave for SOSO?)
  • Update the template we worked on in Helsinki (CCADI will work on the documentation to go with it)
  • It may make sense to have a few different templates and have the docs suggest one based on the type of dataset.


b. Breakout Working Group 3: Policy. Hosted by SCADM, SOOS and the Arctic Data Committee (Stein Tronstad, lead)

During this session a draft version of a complete set of recommendations for core polar data policy principles will be presented for discussion. After the workshop and based on inputs during the discussion, the recommendations will be finalised and forwarded to the interested organisations. 

The recommendations document can be found here, with the core principles presented in Part 3, pp. 20-26. 

(Please be aware that Part 4 of the document has not yet reached draft status and at this stage only contains informal notes intended to inspire further discussions).


Kind regards,
Peter Pulsifer, Carleton University/ Arctic Data Committee (ADC) / Arctic Observing Summit Working Group 4 (AOS WG4)
Stein Tronstad, SCADM/ADC
Pip Bricher, SOOS / POLDER
Amos Hayes, Carleton University / POLDER
Marten Tacoma, NIOZ / ADC
Øystein Godøy, Global Cryosphere Watch, ADC-IARPC-SCADM Vocabularies and Semantics Working Group
Rebekah Ingram, Carleton University / ADC-IARPC-SCADM Vocabularies and Semantics Working Group
Pier Luigi Buttigieg, AWI / ODIS
Rorie Edmunds, World Data System
Simon Riopel, Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure
Gerlis Fugman, IASC
Jan Rene Larsen, SAON Secretariat

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